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Walking Group Information

We walk at 9.30 am every Thursday for around 1 hour, sometimes a bit longer. There's a description for each walk so please read it carefully, especially if you have any medical or mobility concerns or haven't walked much lately, to check if the distance and terrain are suitable for you. You can see our most recent group walks here.


The walks start at different places each week, and I don’t make the final decision on where to walk until Wednesday afternoon. This allows for last-minute weather forecast changes or other issues. If you have a request for a location or general area eg because of an appointment soon afterwards, let me know & I'll do my best to help.


The link to the details for each week's walk gets updated on the front page of this website at around 5-6 pm each Wed afternoon. Click on the picture or link to go to the page with all the walk details. These include the starting point where we will meet, Google map navigation links to the starting point & any helpful hints for getting there for the odd few places that can be tricky to find. There's also information & Google Map links to the closest toilets, very important for walks with no facilities on-site or nearby. 


Well behaved & socialised dogs are welcome in the group but please check the walk details to make sure dogs are allowed at the walk location. 


IMPORTANT: If you'd like to join us on a walk, please SMS/Text me your name so I know to expect you and I'll text you back so you have my mobile number. Then send me an SMS/Text the night before or on the morning of the walk to let me know whether you are coming or not, that way we know how many and who to wait for. Please let me know if you're running late or if plans have changed & you can't make it after all. SMS Texts are easier for me so I only have to monitor one type of communication platform but if for some reason SMS/Text isn't an option for you, please let me know when you join. 


Call me if you have any questions or concerns, or if you get lost on the way to a walk, trust me, you're not the first :D 


I'm normally at the starting point 10 -15min before we are due to head out and I drive a blue Barina.



Janie Hutchings
0425 722 305
There is also a Wix Spaces app that you can download from your usual App Store on your phone or tablet that will give you quick, easy access to the walk details, links to the website & contact details for me.
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